Recent Grants

In the last financial year to 31 December 2023 the Trust made donations of £60,135 (2022:£54,400) to 73 (2022:74) persons and organisations working in the following areas:


2022 2023
Area Number £ Number £
The developing world 9 9,500 8 10,435
Those with disabilities and their carers 5 2,700 8 4,850
Individuals (medical electives) 4 2,400 6 3,500
Medical 1 600 0 0
The poor & homeless 5 4,500 7 4,4000
Supporting communities 8 5,200 6 5,000
Rehabilitation 9 5,700 8 5,800
Youths & children 18 12,600 25 17,600
Miscellaneous 15 11,200 7 8,550
74 54,400 73 60,135



The Trust continues to support a wide range of charities. Most grants are for £500, though in 2020 18 (2019: 11) grants of £1,000 or more were made.